Thursday, December 21, 2006

I was so stressed tonite because John came home and just laid on the couch after work. I know I am home all day "doing nothing" but when you are this sick and recovering you cant do much else, and you arent supposed to be trying, you're supposed to let your body heal.

i realized that we had rented movies and they were really late. I asked John to please walk them to the movie place since I honestly didnt feel up to it. He kept saying he would then fell asleep. He works a very physical job so i understand that he's tired, but the movies laying there costing us money was getting on my nerves. I took them there myself, walking faster than usual because it was colder than usual tonight and I was freezing.

I got back home, and had to pee. i went into the bathroom and as I peed I had a huge, painful cramp that reminded me of when I had first come out of the operating room. I continued to cramp and bleed (filling pads quickly, gushing blood, clotting) it was gross and extremely painful.
Was this the antibiotic getting rid of it finally? Or was my worst fear coming true... was there still tissue left inside of me?

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